oh bob thou speak truth

regarding this post
It's crazy how I agree totally and yet have such a different opinion
I think those of us in developed countries are told we live in the most freedom-filled time in the history of the world and if you measure freedom by least deaths, longer lives, little to no opressive rulers, and great food water and often great jobs for all of us i agree... but I think we trap ourselves in other ways whitch was kinda what this was about in my mind.

we create the concept of trade then money and then create the concept of credit so that we can spend more money whitch no longer really works and end up trapped in debt sometimes passing it on to our children. it bothers me that if you or I wanted to we couldn't just walk across the country legally. there are vast expances cut off by highways it is technically illegal to cross so in a way in order for us to go the speed we want we have denied ourselves the right to go slowly. people want to be informed so they create massive media outlets to give them the information they want who in turn often cause people to worry whitch is a prison in itself.

Why get stuck in a job that you hate? well sometimes what we love dosn't pay the bills no matter how hard we try. I go to work with people i don't deeply care about and spend the majority of my day with them and in contact with "single seving friends". Those relationships take on fake meaning, i want them to work out because that is what i am allowed to spend the majority of my time on.

I love to watch snow fall, somtimes i stare at the white of a wall, or the way grass crushes and returns while people walk on it, the patterns in people at a mall ,or the way the solar system looks from different angles. and when i'm in the zen of my simple child mind I feel ok. I feel like my place is right there my time is then and my purpose is to experience that in a way that noone has or probably ever will.

I dont have to worry about daily survival untill I'm hungry and since i'm hungry and want a roof over my head a place to be warm i need money and since i need money i need a job and since i need a job i need to conform to the standard work ethic that means 40 hr's so i wake up at 6 get to work at 9. work till 5 get back at 7. play till 11 sleep and repeat. that leaves me with 4 hours a day on a regular weekday to play that's 1/12 of my day but wait theres the weekends right? two whole days to play sounds like quite the deal dosn't it ? well let's put it another way. how about you get to do what you want 68hours out of every 168hours you live.. the rest is dictated for you? and since we know you have limited time to do what you want we will sell you a way to enjoy your time more... a new game, a good book, a play, a movie, a sport, a drug, or sex, somthing better faster stronger to cram all your enjoyment into one little box so you can "live" in what little free time you have.

and yet people forget that this is a choice that they made and you hear them say "well you have to do "whatever "everyone does it" so other ways to exist become harder to achieve and the box grows smaller. They say " i hate the fact that i have to" complaining about how bad things are, how complicated, how slow, how fast, how easy, how hard. and they are all right because they are all different. They all made the best boxes they could "under the circumstances" boxes too small of the wrong color and the wrong material because all the while they where trying to follow a manuel that never existed in the first place they each wanted their box to be perfect for everyone and unfortunatly for them every person is different so they ended up with the wrong box for themselves.

but the peace and contentment, at least for me, comes from within me... my response to that wall. my time for me. when i have let go of what i would do, should do, must do, can't do. people are amazing that way people with everything can be miserable pricks while others with nothing can be content and visa versa. yet at the same time it only takes a 3 second comercial to make you want somthing "better". there is no better in my opinion. What you want isn't out there so do your best to stop playing the game and just make your box the way you want. and try your hardest not to screw up anyone elses.

so letting go is so very important and somtimes giving up is finding.
I think we are both right and it's the big picture that matters

I mean look, here i was, looking for another entry to write for a sense of acheivement and lamenting the fact that my mind was empty and all it took was me giving up on looking to find somthing i felt passonate about.


Can't we all just sit under a tree for 7 years and not eat or sleep or drink? What's wrong with that? Why all this searching? I'll never know.

This is something I find to

This is something I find to be like giving up. By saying that you can't find a way to enjoy those 40 hours that you dedicate to continuing your survival, you are giving up.

You can honestly take the time to search inside of yourself to find something that you are truly passionate about. Something that will give you fulfillment at the end of the day.

I want to work in forensics, either in a lab or in the field. Am I doing it right now? No, but only because I haven't taken the time to figure it all out yet. Maybe I'll get into that field and find it not fulfilling. Then I take more time to figure out what will be.

I just feel that if you find a career or just a simple job that makes you feel like you are making a difference or at least filling some small purpose you have in life, then that's what you should do.

But you seem to want a career in life, living it, enjoying it. Is it possible to find a career that will do that for you?

your right too

Is it possible I'll find a career that will do that for me?
I don't think so.. sometimes what we love dosn't pay the bills no matter how hard we try.
This is not to say that people don't love what they do, some can and do(congrats) and if they love what they do then they don't forget that it's a choice that they made but I think this is the minority most of the time I still hear people complaining about how bad things are on an almost daily basis.
My job the fact that most of my time is speant this way dosen't mean I'm unhappy I'm not unhappy. I find the peace and contentment elsewhere because I realize that it's a choice I make. I could totally fight the tide go out and scream at people about how "what I love won't pay the bills" but that would be a waste of my time and I'd probably ruin their day too. Like i said sometimes letting go is so very important and somtimes giving up is finding. this is no defeat simply another path a means of perspective.

as an aside another thought I had on this is that there are some things in life that can never be acheived by hard work and perserverance.