someone tell me something!!!

why do i get treated like shit?
i'm a nice guy!
i hate being a nice fuckin guy!!!!
did i do something to you in this life
or the last?
i donno maybe i shouldn't try so fuckin hard!
maybe i should be an asshole like the rest
of the fuckin dickhead, wife beating, thug wanna be,
doped up fuckin jerkoffs out there!!!!
maybe then i'd get someone that wants me,
because the way i am not isn't gettin me no where!!

what do you fuckin think???? is this a good start???

I think it depends on what

I think it depends on what you truely want. I think it is true certain character flaws attract certain women. but don't be an ass to everyone just to get chicks that will just help you meet more asses and where ther are allot of asses theres ushally allot of crap too.