Happy Immaculate Conception Day!!!

in Genesis 3:16 after making snakes the lowest form of creatures and condemning all women their offspring and snakes offspring to all hurt each-other forever. god sets down a few new rules for people
for women
1 childbirth will be excruciating and
2 they will be forever subservient to men
and for men
1 they will have to work hard all their life to eat and stay alive and it'll suck and
2 they will from now on eventually die thus making life a never-ending fight against death.
"for thou art dust, and thou schalt turne ayen in to dust." was kinda his way to punctuate it with you piece of dirt(just my opinion).
then cause he's cool god makes them some leather clothes and with the strange explanation that man has become one of us because he knows good from evil, god to make sure adam can't eat(from the tree of life), and live forever. God banishes them from eden and sets up an eastern border to eden with some cherubim guards and a flaming turning sword.
now the assumption is made that you want to go back to eden which was "paradise".
by virtue of the fact that you too are cursed you can figure that god didn't forgive you by default after all god didn't say " if you can prove to me that you can not play with my tree of life you can all come back to eden." herein lies the idea of the original sin that the soul is inherently good but the flesh is inherently sinful due to the curse and when they combine the flesh "stains" (macula) the soul.
so you might be wondering then if jesus was born to a woman how was he not afflicted with original sin thus making him sinful? there has been allot of argument over this but finally Duns Scotus devised the following argument:
Mary was in need of redemption like all other human beings, but through the merits of Jesus' crucifixion, given in advance, she was conceived without the stain of original sin.
on December 8 1854 - Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of Immaculate Conception, which holds that the Virgin Mary was born free of original sin.

So I disagree with allot of the ideas contained in here especially the stuff from Duns who backs it up with "potuit, decuit, ergo fecit" ([God] could do it, it was appropriate, therefore he did it) not the best way to win a logical argument in my opinion.

Looking all this over again this time I was struck by the fact that eden a "paradise" was a place where knowledge was considered by god to be a burden that adam and eve should not have. When information was freed adam and eve freaked out and went shit we are naked and sewed some fig aprons. A&E where in fact oppressed by the complete control of god they didn't even know that they had free will until the snake talked to eve. This points to one very easy way to create eden anywhere a group of people wants simply remove their free will and the knowledge that hurts them "ignorance is bliss".
My final thought on this Immaculate Conception Day is I guess hackers are evil Satanists if the snake is in fact evil incarnate( the Archangel Lucifer or the "accuser") because I don't know a hacker who wouldn't have done the same thing and shared the knowledge.